
Beer in Health and Disease Prevention

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Presenting both the concerns and problems of beer consumption as well as the emerging evidence of benefit, Beer in Health and Disease Prevention offers a balanced view of today’s findings and the potential of tomorrow’s research.

From a beverage of warriors to a cheap and affordable commodity, beer has been a part of our consumption for nearly 8000 years. Like most alcoholic drinks it has been prone to abuse and in some counties the per capita consumption of beer has led to considerable health risks.

However, just as wine in moderation has been proposed to promote health, research is showing that beer -- and the ingredients in beer -- can have similar impact on improving health, and in some instances preventing disease. Furthermore there is a considerable body of emerging evidence to show that the anti-oxidant capacity of beers is high. It has been argued that the total antioxidants ingested in some beer drinkers equates that consumed by red wine drinkers.

The key to this, of course, is understanding and this volume presents a collection of the most current writings on the subject of beer and it’s potential in health.

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